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Let’s talk about Aged Care: Health and disability services in NZ for MS

March 23, 2023 | Uncategorised

Join us online (Zoom) on Wednesday 12 April 2023 (1pm – 2.30pm) for a kōrero (talk) about aged care and hauora (health) and disability services for older people in Aotearoa New Zealand.

The hui is being co-hosted by the Aged Care Commissioner Carolyn Cooper and Multiple Sclerosis NZ.

Carolyn has been holding hui (meetings) around the country to meet older people, their whānau, communities, and organisations working with older people.

The hui will inform a report on health and disability services for older people.

People diagnosed with MS or allied conditions, their carers, whānau and those providing community supports are all welcome to attend.

This is your opportunity to have your say into the report on health and disability services for older people.

The event is free to attend but registration is required:

Register here

You will receive the Zoom link with your registration confirmation.


Event Details

Date: Wednesday 12 April 2023 

Time: 1pm – 2.30pm

Location: Zoom

Registration: Register here