Harsh Harmony for MS
September 13, 2017 | Event, Uncategorised
Jagu Gibson is one of India’s first digital artists and thanks to the support of Ragga Numérique Gallery in Vadodara, India, her beautiful works of art are currently on display at Aftermath Gallery in Christchurch, NZ.
Jagu has been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis for 15 years and her dedication to her art, despite the difficulties her condition presents, should be celebrated within the wider community. The accessibility of computer software plays a large part in her process, and this is an excellent opportunity to raise the awareness around Multiple Sclerosis and both digital and real-world accessibility. Jagu’s art is simply stunning and we are excited to be a part of this special collections first visit to New Zealand.
We asked Jagu a few questions to learn more about her art and life with MS.
“What inspires your art?”
- “Found natural objects with interesting patinas, textures and forms. Decaying leaves, corroding metal, river polished rock, all contrasting or complementing with perfect butterfly wings and other seemingly perfect forms.”
“What is the story of your current collection?”
- “Looking at the complementary and contradictory natural form. Finding feint patterns in found objects. There are harsh hard materials like veined rocks contrasting in with delicate butterfly wings or a flower petal.”
“Has there been a piece of art that has resonated with you the most and why?”
- “Wheat Field with Crows – Vang
Gogh and Howard Hodgkins work. The use of colour without much use of tone to create form and space.”
“What is your greatest achievement?”
- “A successful exhibition of work at the first digital art gallery in India which was inaugurated by the late Maharaja of Baroda who was a great patron of the arts (his great grandfather was the patron of renowned Raja Ravi Varma). The curator was Rahul Gajaar who has been commissioned by UNESCO to photograph archaeological sites and is regarded as one of the foremost digital artists in India. He practically championed photography and digital art to be accepted into the fine art forums in India.”
“How has your MS influenced your art?”
- “As my condition is degenerative I have become more and more physically restricted. No longer being able to use a brush or physically hold a camera I have to use a tablet or iPad. I have to ask others to take the photographs for me.”
“How have changes with your MS over time impacted your art and the way you create it?”
- “I used to work in mixed media. Now I can only work in the digital formats. In the future I know I will need to get more assistance and collaborate more.”
“Do you have any tips or advice for other artists with MS?”
- “Collaborate with people to help you capture what you need and use technology where it is relevant.”
“Who has been inspiration in your life and why?”
- “My hardworking and tough grandmother who was married when she was seven but lived well and loved me despite my eccentricities. Though she was the most religiously conservative she was the first to accept my non-Hindu husband.”
“What do you want the world to know about you?”
- “I have learnt that you can do much more with the support of others. Stephen Hawkins managed so much with the support he received. Without that so much of his work would not have come to the world and those who supported him should be recognised more for their dedication.”
“Do you have a life moto?”
- “All power is within you. You can do anything and everything. Believe in that.” Swami Vivekananda
Thank you to supporters; Jagu Gibson, Aftermath Gallery,