Amanda Rose


Dorothy Newman Scholarship keeping people in employment

October 9, 2017 | Education, Grants, Life with MS, Scholarships, Support

Many people with MS experience difficulties managing work with their MS particularly at times of relapse or as their condition progresses. While for many simple changes in the work place might be all that is needed to assist someone to continue with […]

Mastering Mountains Grant helping Kiwis with MS achieve their dreams

October 9, 2017 | Uncategorised

The Mastering Mountains Grant exists to financially assist people who have been diagnosed as having multiple sclerosis to overcome a specific obstacle so that they can achieve a specific outdoor pursuit. With this grant, the Mastering Mountains Trust and MSNZ hope […]

Multiple Sclerosis: Looking towards the future of MS treatments

September 18, 2017 | Advocacy, Education, Event, Treatments, Uncategorised

Multiple sclerosis is a chronic neurological condition of the central nervous system affecting 4000 New Zealanders and with 134 new people being diagnosed each year. While the exact cause and cure of MS is currently unknown, there are treatments available, […]

Harsh Harmony for MS

September 13, 2017 | Event, Uncategorised

Jagu Gibson is one of India’s first digital artists and thanks to the support of Ragga Numérique Gallery in Vadodara, India, her beautiful works of art are currently on display at Aftermath Gallery in Christchurch, NZ. Jagu has been diagnosed […]

Mastering Mountains Grant Applications Open

September 1, 2017 | Uncategorised

MSNZ and the Mastering Mountains Charitable Trust are excited to once again offer people diagnosed with MS support through the Mastering Mountains Grant. Launched in 2016, 2017 marks the second year of the grant which the inclusion of a second […]