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Study: CFS biomarkers at the time of diagnosis may aid in MS prognosis

May 22, 2024 | News, Research, Study

Certain biomarkers in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) — the fluid surrounding the brain and spinal cord — around the time of a multiple sclerosis (MS) diagnosis may help predict the time to reaching certain disability milestones among people with a relapsing-remitting (RRMS) disease course, […]

Could a Simple Blood Test Predict MS

May 22, 2024 | News, Research, Study

In this article published by MS Australia, their research on antibodies shows promise that perhaps a simple blood test could predict MS one day. Using a large US biobank, blood from people with MS was screened before and after MS […]

Press Release: Access to Life-Changing MS Drug “snatched away” Due to Staff Shortages

May 15, 2024 | Advocacy, Funding, Life with MS, Media, News, Press Release, Treatments

A celebrated Pharmac decision late last year to fund a vital drug for many Multiple Sclerosis patients has fallen flat – with dozens being turned away for treatment due to severely stretched resources across a number of services. Multiple Sclerosis […]

MS Voice Newsletter – April 2024

May 1, 2024 | Education, Grants, Life with MS, MS Voice, News, Scholarships

Welcome to the April edition of MS Voice, your source for the latest updates, information and inspiring stories from Multiple Sclerosis New Zealand. Bangers to Bluff 2024 reached it’s final destination on Saturday 20th April, with all crew present and […]