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World MS Day 2024

May 27, 2024 | Life with MS, My Story, News

As a member of the MS International Federation (MSIF), MSNZ is proud to be involved with World MS Day which is officially marked on 30 May each year.

World MS Day is a global awareness raising campaign for multiple sclerosis. Every year, the MS movement comes together to provide the public with information about multiple sclerosis and how it affects the lives of more than two million people around the world.

The theme for 2024 is My MS Diagnosis. The My MS Diagnosis campaign advocates for early and accurate diagnosis for everyone living with MS. It highlights the global barriers to diagnosing MS, raising awareness by sharing real stories and data. We are calling for better MS training for healthcare professionals, new research, and clinical advancements in MS diagnosis. Together we are building informed, caring communities and systems that support people diagnosed with MS.

Every five minutes someone, somewhere in the world is diagnosed with MS. This animation, created by MSIF,  is about navigating an MS diagnosis. It explores the challenges people face in search of answers and why the right diagnosis matters so much. The animation features the real voices of people living with MS across the globe. Listen to Jonathan, Rayan, Leonardo, Kanya and Jessica share their diagnosis stories.

We are privileged to share with you some of our MS communities personal diagnosis stories. We spoke with Nikki, Rachel and Zazi about their journey to diagnosis and what obstacles stood in their way to receiving a timely diagnosis. Michael shares with us his diagnosis story, highlighting that it is not always doom and gloom and sometimes gaining a timely diagnosis can be achieved. Read their stories below:


If you’d like to hear more diagnosis stories, head over to the podcast ‘That’s So Chronic‘ where Jess Brien interviews some incredible people from around the world that have been diagnosed with MS.