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More funded medicines for New Zealanders?

May 23, 2022 | Media, Treatments

Media article: 19 May 2022 Pharmac welcomes the $191 million increase to its pharmaceutical budget over the next two years. It is already working its way through the medicines options for investment (OFI) list, looking at what agreements it can […]

Pharmac review – interim report.

December 6, 2021 | Advocacy, Media, Uncategorised

Neil Woodhams, President of MSNZ, welcomed the interim findings of the Pharmac Review released last week. The full report can be found here: › interim-report. The report highlights the problems MSNZ has experienced over many years in its dealings with […]

Media Release – Kiwis with MS ‘light years’ behind Aussie patients in treatment access and quality of life – study.

September 14, 2021 | Advocacy, Media, Study, Uncategorised

Media Release: 14 September 2021 (For Immediate Release) A new trans-Tasman study has highlighted alarming health inequities between New Zealand patients living with multiple sclerosis (MS) and their Australian counterparts — adding fuel to the ongoing fight for Pharmac to […]

Special Authority Criteria Amendment for DMTs

May 26, 2021 | Advocacy

Multiple Sclerosis NZ received several reports from concerned patients regarding the ambiguity of the Special Authority Criteria for DMTs. With the support of Dr John Mottershead, Pharmac were approached for clarification. Concern centred around whether bilateral aids qualify for use […]

Lie down for life – Pharmac petition

April 21, 2021 | Advocacy, Funding, Uncategorised

On Wednesday 12th May at 12:30 pm representatives of Patient Voice Aotearoa will be presenting the ‘Sign for Life’ petition to Parliament. This Petition is calling for a reform of Pharmac and doubling the budget Pharmac currently receives immediately, with […]