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Media Release: Government urged to “get a move on” and approve cost-effective, proven, stem cell treatment for Multiple Sclerosis

July 26, 2022 | Advocacy, Life with MS, Media, Treatments

Tuesday 26th July 2022 A private petition is being delivered to the steps of parliament at lunchtime today – calling for the government to green-light a treatment, readily available overseas, which is delivering remarkable improvements to the health of many […]

President talks with RNZ on revised Pharmac criteria to give earlier access to medication.

June 29, 2022 | Advocacy, Media

Listen to MSNZ President, Neil Woodhams talk with RNZ presenters on the afternoon show ‘The Panel’. Hear him discuss the impacts Pharmac’s revised criteria for people with MS accessing medication earlier than ever before will have on people with MS […]

Media Release: The Economic Burden Report

June 15, 2022 | Media

Information Release: 8th June 2022 NZIER report: Earlier intervention of Multiple Sclerosis will benefit people with MS and the New Zealand economy A recently released report by the New Zealand Institute of Economic Research (NZIER), commissioned by the Multiple Sclerosis […]

More funded medicines for New Zealanders?

May 23, 2022 | Media, Treatments

Media article: 19 May 2022 Pharmac welcomes the $191 million increase to its pharmaceutical budget over the next two years. It is already working its way through the medicines options for investment (OFI) list, looking at what agreements it can […]

People with Multiple Sclerosis unable to access ‘life-changing treatment’ in NZ

May 9, 2022 | Advocacy, Life with MS, Media, My Story, Treatments

Published in Stuff on 5th May 2022