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NZ MS Research Trust Webinar 3: Exploring how lifestyle modifications can improve MS outcomes

October 5, 2020 | Education, Life with MS, Research

NZ MS Research Trust Webinar Series 3: Exploring the relationship between brain insulation and cognition & how lifestyle modifications can improve MS outcomes

Saturday 10th October 

10am – 11.30am

Our closest neighbours, Australia, are world renowned for investing in and spearheading life changing research into MS. Webinar 3 will look at two exciting pieces of research coming out of Australia.

It is well accepted that modifiable lifestyle factors are aspects of life that can influence MS disease progression and disability, for example diet, exercise, gut health and supplementation to name just a few. Our friends at MS Research Australia have recently launched two exciting new resources on Modifiable Lifestyle Factors and MS that have been carefully researched. Two tools are available, one for the MS community and a second for health professionals, provides recommendations based on the latest evidence for practical evidence-based lifestyle modifications.

MS Research Australia’s Head of Research Dr Julia Morahan will discuss how they have been working with clinicians, researchers and allied health professionals to review and assess the latest evidence and develop the new guides. Dr Morahan will present an overview of the recommendations and their work.

The second speaker Dr Carlie Cullen is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Menzies Institute of Medical Research. Dr Cullen’s work is centred around exploring the relationship between brain insulation and cognition. While often overshadowed by other symptoms, over half of people with MS report thinking and memory problems as symptoms. Cognitive symptoms are caused by damage to the myelin protective coating surrounding nerve fibres of the brain and spinal cord. Her initial work showed that by learning a task that related to working memory, reference memory, procedural memory and spatial navigation, the laboratory models increased the number of new myelin producing cells in the brain. Dr Cullen is currently investigating whether the learning task can assist in promoting lesion repair in laboratory models of MS.


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Missed the first two webinars? You can watch them now here: 

Webinar Series 1: Saturday 12th September 20 – Impacts of COVID-19 and Genetics on MS

Revisit webinar 1 and watch as Dr Justin O’Sullivan, PhD is an Associate Professor & Associate Director for Research at the Liggins Institute at the University of Auckland and his PhD Student Sreemol Gokuladhas provide updates on their research into the connection between genetics and MS. Followed by Specialist MS Neurologist Dr Ernie Willoughby sharing the most recent insights into how the COVID-19 pandemic is impacting PwMS, their access to treatment and their lifestyles. While the research is still in its early stages, interesting insights are emerging about how MS, DMTs and Covid-19 interact. Dr Willoughby is always a great source of sensible knowledge for our community.



Webinar Series 2: Saturday 26th October 2020 – An International Perspective: voices from around the world speak about the latest advances in aHSCT treatment for MS

Rewatch webinar 2 and watch as Dr Wallace Brownlee in London, Dr Jennifer Massey in Sydney and Dr Richard Doocey in Auckland provide an international perspective on the latest research and understandings of how and when autologous haematopoietic stem cell transplant (aHSCT) is a valid and efficacious treatment option for Multiple Sclerosis.

This is a not to be missed watch for anyone in NZ considering aHSCT.