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Keeping active and connected during lockdown

August 31, 2021 | Covid-19, Support

With lockdown continuing in New Zealand, it is important to keep active and connected with people, even those outside your bubble.

In addition to keeping active for your physical health, it is important to take care of your mental health too. There are many suggestions on the internet on how to do this. The following ideas are effective and simple to do.

1) Make a photo book online

Why not take this time to look back through old photos and organise them into photo books. There are numerous online platforms for this, like or Your photo book won’t be processed during lockdown level 4, but it will be something to look forward to receiving when they can be processed.

2) Have a movie marathon

Whether you have multiple family members in your bubble, or if you’re enjoying some time on your own you can grab your comfy blankets, make some tasty and healthy snacks and settle down and watch some movies. Perhaps you have a firm favourite that you watch quite regularly, or maybe now is the time to watch something new. Either way, sit back, relax and enjoy some well deserved time out.

3) Read a book

Do you never seem to have the spare time to read that book you bought, 2 years ago? Well, now you do! Head outside onto your decking and get some fresh air and get stuck into that book. Take yourself a nice refreshing drink and keep hydrated in the heat. Just look at you multi-tasking!

4) Pamper yourself

What would be your ideal pamper session? Can you recreate it at home? Pop on some relaxing music, light a candle, run yourself a bath full of bubbles and soak the worries away. If you have a facemask laying around that you’ve been meaning to use, then pop that on too!

5) Do some gardening

Okay, so weeding and cutting the grass isn’t exactly relaxing, but you will feel a great sense of achievement and pride when you stand back and see your hard work. Then you can grab your yoga mat and do some stretching and snoozing on your freshly cut lawn.

If you don’t have a garden, give your indoor plants some attention by dusting and wiping their leaves.

6) Listen to a podcast

If you are craving some intellectual conversation, perhaps a podcast will satisfy your needs. There are millions to choose from, on every topic you can imagine. Just pop your chosen subject into Google and see what comes up – there is something for everyone.

7) Declutter

Who doesn’t love a good decluttering?! The sense of accomplishment you’ll feel at folding the towels in your linen closet will make you want to keep opening the door and take a look at how neat and tidy it is. Or perhaps you’ll tackle the kitchen pantry and get rid of that tin of peaches that’s been sat in the back for 5 years. However far you go with your decluttering is up to you, but a tidy home is a tidy mind, right?

8) Video Call someone

Zoom, Skype, Google Hangouts, Microsoft Teams, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp – to name a few – whatever platform you prefer, use it!
Missing your best friends face? Call them!
Missing your weekly Pilates class? Find one that’s running online.
There are so many ways to stay connected, so if you are feeling alone and it is getting you down, reach out.

9) Disconnect

As we have detailed, there are many many ways to stay connected to the world. It is also good, however, to take a break some times and just disconnect from everything digital. Why not set yourself a time limit of when you can be connected to the digital world, and times when you are solely focussed on everyone in your bubble.

10) Get medical attention if you need it

If you feel unwell and need to see a doctor then phone your GP to make an appointment. Medical facilities and pharmacies are still open.