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Carer Support ​- information for those funded by the Ministry of Health

August 31, 2021 | Covid-19

Please note that this applies to those people who are funded by the Ministry of Health for disability support services only (i.e., not funded through DHBs (District Health Boards).  

Carer Support reimburses some of the costs of using a support person to care for and support a disabled person; this means their carer can take some time out for themselves.

You can continue to use your Carer Support more flexibly so that:

  • you can pay family members who you live with to provide you with a break
  • relief care can be used when you are doing your other paid work (even if you are working from home)
  • you can continue to use your Carer Support funding to buy things that will provide you with respite if you stay within your total budget. Examples are art and craft supplies, books, or DVDs.

As it is up to you to choose what support or service to buy, it is your job to make sure the respite is good quality and covers all your requirements. In most cases, if you run out of Carer Support, you will not get additional funding.

You cannot use your Carer Support for the following:

  • illegal activities, gambling, or alcohol
  • to pay for things that are not disability supports like rent/mortgage, food, personal debt, gifts, power, usual household items etc.

To claim your Carer Support, please send in your Carer Support claim forms as usual and, if applicable attach receipts for any goods you have purchased. If you have not received any relief care, you do not need a signature from a relief carer on your Carer Support forms. Payments will continue to be made in half days or days as usual.

Over COVID-19 Alert Levels 3 and 4, the Ministry of Health will accept 4 and 3 Carer Support forms by email to


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