August 22, 2017 | Advocacy, Life with MS
In 2016 MSNZ conducted the Multiple Sclerosis Care Survey which highlighted several issues affecting access to services received by people with MS across the county, particularly an inequity in access.
MSNZ reviewed the feedback alongside listening to our member Regions who raised concerns about issues on-going in their communities, reviewed international best practices, and listened to those people living with MS daily who contact us with questions and concerns. As a result the advocacy team agreed to prioritise several key issues to bring positive and meaningful changes to the lives of those diagnosed, waiting to be diagnosed or supporting those with MS.
MSNZ has met with MPs to advocate for our issues based on OIA reports, research and supporting anecdotal evidence. MSNZ has also begun initiating our PR campaign by raising our concerns in the media. We now ask for you to join us in our stand for an improved and equitable service.
We ask that you contact your local MPs and candidates to seek their response as to how they intend to improve access to services to support the lives of people living with MS in their community. The more voices we have the louder and stronger we are.
MSNZ has developed a one page Pledge Sheet for supporters to take to their local MPs and candidates as we lead into the upcoming General Election. The Pledge Sheet outlines our areas of concern and the requests we have asked MPs to provide their support and commitment to.
We would appreciate any feedback you receive or approaches you make being sent to MSNZ by contacting us.
Thank you for helping us achieve our mission of advocating for people with MS in New Zealand to have access to first world treatment, resources and services to improve their well-being and quality of life with the hope of reducing the burden of MS on those diagnosed, their carers and families.