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MS Voice Newsletter – September 2024: Time Matters in MS Awareness Week Special Edition

September 12, 2024 | Aids, Awareness Week, Education, Mobility Aids, MS Voice, News, Newsletter

Welcome to the September 2024 edition of MS Voice, your go-to source for the latest news, updates, and real-life stories from Multiple Sclerosis New Zealand. This edition is a special one, dedicated to Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Week 2024: Time Matters in MS.

Awareness Week is a crucial time for raising awareness about MS, including its early signs, how to recognise them, and the importance of seeking medical assistance promptly. Education is vital; not only for those living with MS and their families but also for healthcare practitioners. The sooner the signs of MS are recognised and action is taken, the better the outcomes for brain health. 🧡

We’ve heard countless stories of people struggling to be heard, and our goal is to reduce the 4.5-year average it currently takes to receive an MS diagnosis in New Zealand. This year, we are focused on increasing awareness among the public and healthcare providers. Over the coming months, we’ll be sharing a series of information pieces directed at GPs, highlighting early symptoms of MS to encourage earlier identification and referral for diagnosis. Knowledge is power, and we believe that the more people are educated, the more empowered they’ll be to advocate for themselves and seek specialist care.

In this edition, we’re excited to introduce our brand-new MS Awareness T-shirts, celebrate our very own ‘Good Sorts’ community heroes, and offer you the gift of an online will service. Plus, there’s a fantastic giveaway courtesy of Allied Medical! 🤩

There’s so much more to explore—so dive in below!

View MS Voice September 2024 online here.

View MS Voice – September 2024 here.

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