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MS Awareness Week 2024: Early Symptoms of MS

September 9, 2024 | Awareness Week, Symptoms, Uncategorised

This Awareness Week, 9th – 15th September we want to educate people about the possible early symptoms, so that more individuals can recognise the signs, take action and get a timely diagnosis.

Some of the early symptoms that people might experience are vision changes, muscle weakness, stiffness and spasms, numbness or pain, loss of balance, bladder and bowel issues and cognitive difficulties.

Click on the images below to learn a little bit more about them.


As the symptoms of MS can be complex and unseen, we recommend keeping a symptom diary. Note when symptoms occur, how long they last, and any factors that seem to trigger or alleviate them. If you are unsure on how to talk to your GP about possible MS symptoms, taking someone with you to appointments can help you articulate your concerns more clearly.

Read more about our Time Matters in MS Awareness Week Campaign here: