There is a lot of information available for those affected by MS. We have curated some of the downloadable information here for you:
Helpline services are available right now in New Zealand that offer support, information and help for you and your parents, family, whānau and friends. Please follow this link to access details on the Mental Health Foundation website.
If you need urgent mental health support, call your local mental health crisis team or go to the Mental Health Foundation Directory. If you’re worried about someone’s immediate physical safety, call 111.
Please follow this link for further information on accessing mental health services.
If you’re concerned about your mental wellbeing, the best starting point is usually your GP (family doctor)*. GPs are trained to assess, treat and support you to manage your mental health. They can also refer you to community mental health services or specialist, if needed.
*You have options besides a GP to support you with your mental health; including your local Māori health provider; Whānau Ora provider; Kia Piki te Ora coordinator; marae, hapū or iwi service; a school counsellor or a counselling service.