
MSNZ is involved with various national and international events to raise funds to support those affected by multiple sclerosis.


World MS Day 30th May

As a member of the MS International Federation (MSIF), MSNZ is proud to be involved with World MS Day which is officially marked on 30 May each year.

World MS Day is the only global awareness raising campaign for Multiple Sclerosis. Every year, the MS movement comes together to provide the public with information about Multiple Sclerosis and how it affects the lives of more than two million people around the world.

The theme for 2024 is My MS Diagnosis. The My MS Diagnosis campaign advocates for early and accurate diagnosis for everyone living with MS. It highlights the global barriers to diagnosing MS, raising awareness by sharing real stories and data. We are calling for better MS training for healthcare professionals, new research, and clinical advancements in MS diagnosis. Together we are building informed, caring communities and systems that support people diagnosed with MS.

Every five minutes someone, somewhere in the world is diagnosed with MS. This animation, created by MSIF,  is about navigating an MS diagnosis. It explores the challenges people face in search of answers and why the right diagnosis matters so much. The animation features the real voices of people living with MS across the globe. Listen to Jonathan, Rayan, Leonardo, Kanya and Jessica share their diagnosis stories.

Please get in touch, if you would like to share your MS diagnosis story.


Awareness Week 9-15 September 2024

Every year MSNZ runs a campaign to raise awareness nationally for multiple sclerosis as a chronic condition affecting New Zealanders and highlighting the needs of those living with the condition.

Regional societies across the country will hold street collections and events to raise vital funds for the work they do supporting people living with MS and supporting those with multiple sclerosis in their local communities.

Further updates will follow soon for Awareness Week 2024 plans.


Bangers to Bluff 9th April – 20th April 2024



MSNZ have once again been chosen as one a masthead charity for this years Bangers to Bluff, a 12-day car rally, organised by the Rotary Club of Half Moon Bay (Inc) in Auckland. This annual charity event supports MSNZ and other Charities sanctioned by The Rotary Club of Half Moon Bay. The 2024 event will be the ninth year the Rally has run, raising in excess of $300,000 for charity.

The Rally challenges participants to drive a ‘banger’ costing less than $2000 from Auckland to Bluff, traveling a prescribed route using roads less travelled via several iconic regions. The rally will consist of 18 cars plus support crews.

On 9th April, the rally will embark on this journey fully supported by MSNZ and various MS Regions that will be welcoming them to their communities to raise funds and increase awareness. The teams will also be tasked to compete for several trophies by having as much fun as possible through a mix of challenges and competitions along the route. The cars will be auctioned off in Invercargill at the end of the rally on 20th April, with the proceeds being donated to charity.


Help an old banger raise $20,000 to improve the lives of those impacted by Multiple Sclerosis in New Zealand.

Once again we will have our own team ‘Keep Smyelin’ and banger taking part! We’re hoping to fix up our banger so it can make it all the way to Bluff, 2,300kms, without any flat tyres, broken fan belts or empty fuel tanks.

Why not join us on this exciting adventure by sponsoring our banger?

Download our sponsorship proposal, and get in touch today!

We’d love to have you on board. 


Exercise is Medicine

One of our team members, Graham Walker, was diagnosed with Primary Progressive MS. In his early days of diagnosis, Graham had it impressed upon him the importance of exercise in being able to take control of his condition. “Use it or lose it” the Neurological Physiotherapists said. “So it really was a no-brainer, neurological condition and all, to pursue cycling as my exercise vehicle.”

Every morning Graham has committed to heading out the starting gates at the crack of dawn, ahead of the cars, to cycle as far as possible each day before getting caught.

Graham is aiming to ride at least 20kms each day, over the 12 days between Auckland and Bluff (weather and terrain permitting). Not bad for someone with Progressive MS!

“My reasons for attempting this are 3 fold; to raise awareness of Multiple Sclerosis, to raise money for the combined Bangers to Bluff charities and, lastly, quite simply, because exercise is medicine”.

If you would like to follow Graham’s journey you can do so on Strava! Just log in and search for ‘Graham Walker’. Discover more about this fundraising adventure in this article by Stuff, interviewing Graham about the exhilarating tale of camaraderie and determination, or listen to the radio interview below that Graham did with More FM Taranaki.

At the conclusion of Bangers to Bluff, the rally cars, Grahams bike and bike rack along with some amazing items from Panasonic New Zealand will go up for auction. There will also be some fantastic mystery envelopes from MS Southland to bid on. If you can’t make it to the auction, don’t worry, you can place your bid by telephone. Download the posters below for further details.

All money raised will be added to the event total and distributed to charities the Rotary Club of Half Moon Bay supports, including MSNZ and the MS Societies the rally engages with along the way.

For those that cannot attend the auction in person, fear not – you can place your bid by telephoning 027 976 0442 thanks to William Todd & Co Auctions.

To support our fundraiser and for further information see our Bangers to Bluff website or follow the event via our Facebook event page.

We’d like to give a shout out to all of our sponsors for Bangers to Bluff 2024. Your sponsorship means a lot to us, thank you.





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How to donate to MSNZ

Supporting those with MS

A Gift In Your Will
Gift to MSNZ

Without the gifts left in Wills by people like you, we would not exist.

Corporate Support or Volunteer

How else could you help?
